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New Age Employees Require A New Way of Thinking
Pete McNeil discusses the changing needs of employees in the post-COVID workplace, particularly focusing on Gen Z employees. He talks about the importance of providing a positive customer experience and adapting to the preferences and attention span of Gen Z employees. He also discusses the challenges of hiring and retaining Gen Z employees, including the need for benefits, learning opportunities, and potential pay advantages. Pete McNeil, McNeil’s Auto Care, Sandy and Riverton, UT. Pete’s previous episodes HERE Show Notes: Watch Full Video The Legacy of Old Car Repair Tools (00:01:39) Discussion about displaying old car repair tools in the waiting room to showcase the evolution of automotive technology. The Importance of Customer Experience (00:07:21) Highlighting the exceptional service provided by a server at a restaurant and the need to recruit service advisors from industries with a focus on customer experience. Understanding Gen Z Employees (00:08:47) Exploring the characteristics and preferences of Gen Z employees, including their shorter attention span and the need for clear direction and guidance. Gen Z Challenges in the Workplace (00:09:18) Discussion on the challenges faced by Gen Z employees entering the workplace without prior working experience. Adapting to Gen Z Preferences (00:12:19) Exploring the changing expectations of Gen Z employees during job interviews, including flexible work schedules and work-life balance. Creating Hybrid Pay Programs (00:16:38) The need for customized pay programs to meet the diverse needs and preferences of employees, with examples of different pay structures. Valuing Diagnostic Technicians (00:19:31) The need to compensate diagnostic technicians accordingly. Specialization and Rewarding Expertise (00:21:31) Highlighting the importance of specialized technicians in areas like transmissions, electrical, and HVAC, and the need to reward their knowledge and time investment. The importance of involving families in social events (00:26:34) Discussion on the significance of including employees' families in non-work related special events. Creating a positive work culture through various events (00:27:29) Exploration of different events, such as boating trips and casino nights, that the company organizes to foster camaraderie and teamwork among employees. The communication preferences of Gen Z employees (00:29:40) Insights into the communication preferences of Gen Z employees, including their preference for face-to-face interactions and the low reliance on social media for communication. The changing needs of employees (00:35:23) Discussion about the need for a new way of connecting and learning with the new age employees. Adding on to the Riverton store (00:35:47) Updates on the expansion of McNeil's Auto Care in Riverton, Utah, including adding six bays and a warehouse. Appreciation for Carm Capriotto (00:36:17) Expressing gratitude for Carm Capriotto's contributions to the automotive industry and the podcast. <br/> Thanks to our Partner, Dorman Products. Dorman gives people greater freed