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No Boats on Sunday - No Boats Were Allowed to Dock! Pear Cider Time!
The name 'No Boats on Sunday' refers to the history of maritime port workers who had Sundays off because no boats were allowed to dock. 'No Boats on Sunday' signified leisure time.Let’s be honest the quality of the fruit used directly impacts a great tasting cider!One of No Boats on Sunday standout features is its dedication to using only the finest pears. The No Boats team goes to great lengths to ensure the pears used in their cider are ripe and bursting with flavour.If you're a cider fan or even new to the world of cider, No Boats on Sunday Pear Cider is a must-try. Listen to find out why!4x473ml5% ABV100% Canadian LINKS· NBOS - www.noboatscider.com· Where to Buy: www.noboatscider.com/pages/where-to-buy· Jess Bailey: https://unsplash.com/@jessbaileydesigns· Jadson Leung: https://unsplash.com/@ninjason· Moritz Kindler: https://unsplash.com/@moritz_photography· Judith Black: https://unsplash.com/@vemberno