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Nocturnal Citizens - Remote Transmissions: The Goonies
Welcome back everyone & hello to all the new viewers tuning in!<br/>This is season 2 of our podcast and we are super stoked to be going on this next adventure with you all :D<br/>We have a few cosmetic upgrades taking place this season for our podcast however life happened and we are a little behind on getting that done. So please be patient with us as we try to get those implemented soon.<br/><br/>This is our new segment: Remote Transmissions. This is where we will be choosing cult classics, comfort and engaging films to watch and discuss. On todays episode we are tackling the cult classic, The Goonies. We were especially excited to watch this one as Murphy has never seen it. I know, INSANE!! Come join us in Murphy's exploration of this timeless film. If you've never seen it yourself, please give it a shot. It's full of wonder, hijinks, and treasure :P<br/><br/>If you want to listen to the full version of all of our podcasts, find our videos that we will be dropping every Friday at 6PM MST Time on Spotify and Buzzsprout.<br/><br/>Give us a follow on all our social platforms:<br/><br/>Tiktok: @nocturnalcitizens<br/>Insta: @nocturnalcitizens<br/>Twitter: @NocCitz<br/>Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@NocturnalCitizens