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Non - legal writing for lawyers
In the latest episode of Wildly Successful Law Firm. Here are three key takeaways from the episode:- Communication should be simple and easy to understand, avoiding jargon or technical terms. Just like how the success of Harry Potter is attributed to its easy-to-read style that appeals to both children and adults.- Using templates can be a useful resource for lawyers in various areas, such as contracts, briefs, motions, and petitions. One such resource is Practical Law, which provides access to templates for a fee.- Treating others poorly in a professional setting can have negative consequences. Don't gain a reputation for being difficult to work with in order to avoid negative outcomes.Overall, the importance of simplicity in communication cannot be emphasized enough. So, let's strive to use language that is easily understandable for clients, regardless of their educational background or language proficiency. What other tips for non-legal writing do you have? Comment below! 🤔💻 #WildlySuccessfulLawFirm #NonLegalWriting #SimplicityInCommunication #Templates #Professionalism #Lawyers #HarryPotter #LegalJargon #PlainLanguage #CommunicationTips***Links below****https://ws-lawyers.com/non-leg....al-writing-for-lawye