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NTS Don't Assume: Amaarae with Zakia
Accra-via-Atlanta rising Alté pop sensation Amaarae is the subject of this episode of Don’t Assume, where host Zakia discusses the release of her acclaimed new album, Fountain Baby, and everything that went into making it. Discover how the rich musical scenes of the cities Amaarae grew up in helped anchor a distinct musical taste that has made her as at home making soothing Afro-house as she is with arresting spaceship rap. She reflects on challenging and breaking expectations of what music from West African can sound and feel like. Presenter - Zakia Sewell, Producer - Lizzy King, Sound Recording - Felix Stock, Editing - Femi Oriogun-Williams, Mastering - Josh Farmer, Composer - Jennifer Walton, Talent & Outreach - Samuel Strang.
This is an NTS Podcast, discover more at www.nts.live.