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On the Verge – “Fishwars” – An Interview with Johan Bergenas on the Nexus of Ocean Health, Fisheries, Climate Change and Security
In this episode, Andrea Rezzonico, Deputy Director of the Converging Risks Lab at the Council on Strategic Risks, interviews Johan Berganas, Senior Vice President of Oceans at WWF-US. They discuss the geopolitical concept of ‘fishwars’, and how it centers on a converging nexus of climate change, IUU fishing, ocean health, and more. As Senior Vice President of Oceans, Johan leads global programming at the intersection of ocean health, climate resilience, private markets, blue finance, and environmental security. Prior to joining WWF, Johan worked for Paul Allen’s Vulcan, was the co-founder and CEO of a technology start-up, and held positions with the Stimson Center, Monterey Institute, Oxfam America, and Linkoping University. This episode is part of a series spotlighting the security implications of global ecological disruption. To learn more about our work on ecological security issues, please read CSR’s landmark ecological security report The Security Threat That Binds Us, check out our other podcast episodes, and stay tuned for upcoming releases.