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One Day in Faraday
Primary school teacher Anna Grace joins Penny and Christina to talk about the Faraday kidnappings. With a special guest appearance from Peter Tangey.Trove
'$1 Million Demand for Teacher', 6 Pupils, The Canberra Times, 7 October 1972
'Big Hunt for School Kidnappers', The Canberra Times, 9 October 1972
'2 Men Charged over Kidnap', The Papua New Guinea Post-Courier, 10 October 1972
'School Teacher Collapses', The Canberra Times, 10 October 1972
'Teacher 'not going back', The Canberra Times, 2 November 1972
'In Brief', The Canberra Times, 21 November 1972
'Greater flexibility' to NSW Primary Schools, The Canberra Times, 3 January 1973
Sudanese Australian Integrate Learning (SAIL) program
'The Mini Lesson of the Faraday School Kidnapping', Teachers Talk Crime podcast
'Victoria's Former Premier, Gone but not forgotten', Sydney Morning Herald, 18 July 2008
'The Fierce Country: The Faraday School Kidnapping', Adelaide Review of Books, 12 July 2018