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Only Pans with Sameh Wadi
People might say "finally" too often about a thing they've done, but this is an instance that certifiably qualifies. It took LFE 95 damn episodes to get Charles' illegitimate brother Sameh Wadi on the show. Better known for: being the third Iron Chef contestant to grace LFE (and the second winner!), being an absolute legend in the Twin Cities culinary stratosphere-- having helmed the spectacular (and sorely missed) Saffron, the wildly craveable World Street Kitchen, and the elite scoops of Milkjam, among others-- in addition to being a published author of The New Mediterranean Table (which deserves placement on every culinary bookshelf). Sameh discusses how he came up through the food world as a young boy observing his family putting together a cooking tome, his adoration/obsession with Panda Express, and a great deal more, in addition to these here topics o' the week:🛹 A surprising thing you were allowed to do as a kid and a surprising thing you were NOT allowed to do as a kid.🤬 Favorite curse or insult in a foreign language.🍽️ Is fine dining dead or is fine dining evolving? 💅 TOP SECRET grooming tips that you don't really admit to anyone.🍬 What was your favorite candy growing up? 🥡 What's the IDGAF place that you eat when you're feeling lazy? Order up! Slap that play button baybeeeeeeeeee. This ep of LFE is proudly presented by Plift. High on taste. Low on calories. Plift is a delicious hemp-infused beverage for any occasion — social, solo, and anywhere in between.Beverages of ChoiceThe hosts and their guest drank:Plift Juicy GrapefruitPlift Crisp GingerPlift Tart Lime FIND USFacebook | Instagram