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Orlando Squeezes Out the Win! | MLP Atlanta Recap - Ep. 26
Fresh off of the plane from Atlanta, Tyler sits down with Jimmy to discuss the first event of MLP Season 2.<br/><br/>Recorded minutes after the conclusion of a thrilling finals match, the boys recap the entire event and touch on some great and not so great performances that they observed over the weekend. <br/><br/>Let us know what topics we should cover in future episodes, thanks for following along! <br/>--------------------<br/>Website: https://www.tylerloong.com/<br/><br/>Use Code "KOTC" for Free Shipping on Crown Balls: https://crownpickleball.store/<br/><br/>Use Code "KOTC" for Huge Savings at the Picklr Shop: https://thepicklrshop.com/<br/><br/>Use Code "KOTC" for Great Savings on Vulcan Gear: https://vulcansportinggoods.com/pages/vulcan-pickleball-paddles<br/><br/>Use Code "KOTC" to save 10% on Modballs: https://modballs.com/<br/><br/>Use Code "KOTC" for Savings on Acacia Shoes: https://acaciasports.com/<br/><br/>Instagram: <br/>Tyler's IG - https://www.instagram.com/tyler.loong/<br/>Jimmy's IG - https://www.instagram.com/jimmymiller_pb/<br/><br/>Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Tyler-Loong-243573882955930/<br/>--------------------<br/>0:00 - Intro<br/>5:20 - Julian & Lauren Lawyer Up<br/>13:10 - Challenger Recap<br/>17:45 - Premier Recap<br/>18:05 - Group A<br/>22:35 - Group B<br/>29:05 - Group C<br/>41:00 - Semifinals<br/>43:30 - Finals<br/>45:55 - Is MLP Pickleball Too “Wild”?<br/>56:00 - Q&A