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Professional Progress: Gain To Give More
Have you ever felt guilty about wanting more for yourself? Are you trapped in the mindset that if you gain more you're somehow taking from others? In this episode, Jacob Moore assures us that there is plenty to go around, and that your personal and professional progress is actually critical to advancing your mission. When you have more power and more resources, you are in a position to do more good. What you'll learn in this episode:There are plenty of resources to go around. Don't be afraid to take your fair share!Service-oriented leaders do not have to go without profits.How having a position of power enables you to have a greater impact. <br/>"There's nothing wrong with taking pride in accomplishing something for yourself. The more you have, the more you have to give." - Jacob MooreTIMESTAMPS[4:30] - There is plenty to go around[10:40] - Taking from the pool of energy, not from others[11:50] - The starving servant mentality[13:58] - Gain to give more[19:48] - The Core Four revisitedConnect with Jacob Moore:- Website- Instagram - Passion & Profits- Instagram - Jacob Moore- LinkedIn- Facebook- Twitter- TikTok Learn More: 5 Bridges to Wellness and NoStigmas<br/><br/>This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis: <br/><br/>Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy