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Protecting Princess Choriza|| Hot Dog Princess
Potential Hot Dog Secret Agents go undercover in a beauty pageant. This is an actual-play of HOT DOG PRINCESS, a tabletop roleplaying game. #ActualPlay #ttrpg- Cast -
Melissa. https://twitter.com/melazera
Kipser. https://twitter.com/kips3r
Ashley. https://twitter.com/_shydeezy
Long. https://twitter.com/legendarylong
Jeff. https://twitter.com/lollygaggerco
Steven. https://twitter.com/steventhedm--Links--
The Lollygaggers Website - https://www.thelollygaggers.com/
Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/thelollygaggers
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/lollygaggerco/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ACompanyOfLollygaggers/
Ko-Fi - https://ko-fi.com/adventuresinlollygagging--Art & Music Credits--
Musical theme "Summer Fun" by T.I.D.N.
Background Ambience from Tabletop Audio - https://tabletopaudio.com/