Pt. 1: A 9-Year-Old's Prophesy

1 Views· 08/16/23
Moving Mountains Podcast
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In this two-part episode, our guest Jim Beckman shares about an incredible series of miracles experienced by his family when he was a young boy. In the midst of deep family suffering—including the death of his sibling, his father becoming a paraplegic, his sister with cerebral palsy enduring numerous surgeries, and his mother ending up in a mental hospital due to so much stress and grief—Jim's family is slowly drawn back to the faith. A prophecy is spoken through an unexpected source, and God responds to their family's "yes" in a shocking and awe-inspiring way.Books discussed in episode:"God Help Me: How to Grow in Prayer" by Jim Beckman "From Christendom to Apostolic Mission: Pastoral Strategies for an Apostolic Age" by James P. Shea

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