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Radio Show Hour 1 – 02/07/2024
* Guests: Lance Migliaccio, Hosts of The Big Mig Podcast / Videocast Powered by Truth! – TheBigMig.com * The Zest for Life Podcast – Episode 1: Exploring Happiness! * Don’t Chase Happiness Directly! * Are You Happy? – Who is the most happy person you know? – What would they tell you, is the purpose of life? * Super Bowl Ads Are Pricier Than Ever It’s around $7M for a 30-second spot this year – Jenn Gidman. * Last year, more than 115 million tuned in to watch the big game. From years gone by: Curious what ads cost in the past? USA Today stretches back all the way to the first Super Bowl, in 1967, when a 30-second spot cost less than $40,000. That price tag didn’t reach the million mark until 1995. * ‘Not a woke company’: Trump urges ‘second chance’ for Bud Light! * You Can’t Make This Up: Biden Regime Designates Martha’s Vineyard as “Low-Income” Community to Qualify for Federal EV Charger Tax Credits.