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Radio Show Hour 1 – 9/14/2023
* Guests: Bryan Rust, Kelly Finnegan, Over the past 50 years, Rust Coins has been working to educate customers about precious metals – RustCoinAndGift.com * Honest Money Report: Gold – $1903.50 Silver – $22.55. * Why I Love America hosts an interfaith evening on the Constitution. Sunday, September 17, 7 – 9pm – WhyILoveAmerica.org Location: Christian Life Center 2352 East Highway 193 Layton, UT. Featuring Speaker David Barton – Musical Performances by Jon Schmidt and Sotto Voce Strings. * Mitt Romney will not seek re-election to Senate in 2024, releases scathing criticism of GOP and Trump. * Federal Biden Judge David Urias, Strikes Down New Mexico Governor’s Unconstitutional Gun Ban! * Musk gave control of Starlink to Pentagon – RT Daily. * MTV Awards Pulls Only 913,000 Viewers. * FDA approves “updated” COVID jabs from Pfizer, Moderna based on ZERO EVIDENCE of safety or efficacy – Ethan Huff, NaturalNews.com * Inflation Ticks Up To 3.7%, Biggest Monthly Jump Since January – Forbes. * Know Your Pet DNA is a new, at home DNA test that reveals your pet’s breed mix, traits, and matches. It’s the perfect (or should that be pawfect?) way for pet owners to discover their dog’s DNA story.