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Redefining Waste through 3D Printed Clay Containers | Earth to Earth w/ Sanjeev Mankotia (GaeaStar)
In this episode, Silas Mahner (@silasmahner) speaks w/ Sanjeev Mankotia, the Founder and CEO of GaeaStar. They are on their way to solving the issue of single-use plastic pollution with their 3D printed, clay-cup solution. You might think it sounds crazy, but once you hear the episode, you can understand how this is very much within reach. <br/><br/>It's a fascinating episode with a lot of value for companies building hardware ClimateTech startups. <br/><br/>Enjoy the Episode! 🌎<br/><br/>📺 👀 Prefer to watch: subscribe on YouTube.<br/><br/>📫 Interested in written summaries and takeaways from the episode? Subscribe to the newsletter. <br/><br/>Want to be part of the community and engage further? Check out the Slack Channel. https://tinyurl.com/mwkn8zk5<br/><br/>----- <br/>Topics: <br/>**2:02 Introduction<br/>**6:26 What they do<br/>**13:01 Financial feasibility of their product<br/>**20:48 How to develop a 3D printed product co<br/>**26:21 Refining their mfg process for a specific use case<br/>**32:22 Where this tech can be used<br/>**34:58 The evolution of the biz model<br/>**39:47 The funding process<br/>**53:52 Price in the future<br/>**58:48 Closeout<br/><br/>----- <br/>Links: <br/>**Sanjeev on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sanjeev-mankotia/<br/>**GaeaStar: https://gaeastar.com/<br/>**Check out our Sponsor, NextWave Partners: <br/>**Follow CleanTechies on LinkedIn: <br/>**HMU on Twitter: @silasmahner<br/><br/>----- <br/>Other episodes you might enjoy:<br/>**Most Recent Episode: From Coal to Climate, VC Channel Sales Partners, LP Sentiment & More w/ Albert Bielinko (Telstra Ventures)<br/>**Similar Topic: From Dust to Dust Masonry Products - Fusing Modern Science + Traditional Methods w/ Adital Ela (Criaterra)<br/>**Something Totally Different: The Future of Clean Energy, Materials/Mfg, & the Circular Economy with Author, Peter LeydenSupport the showWe are proud to continue working with NextWave as our official show sponsor for this podcast. NextWave and all of its staff are highly motivated to advance the ClimateTech revolution and are constantly innovating ways that they can help affect that transition. From experts in the talent space to ESG experts, NextWave is taking on Climate and Social responsibility head-on and helping companies build great cultures that not only make the world a better place but also increase workplace satisfaction. Reach out to NextWave Partners today to learn more about how we might partner with you today. https://www.next-wavepartners.com/ / info@next-wavepartners.com