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Remote remnants of remembered REM dreams
"I enjoy listening to water sounds and the given recording was taken as a constant background that sometimes is totally occluded by the music, but it is still there, flowing along the musical flow. I wanted the music could be used to soothe oneself or even inducing sleep, but I always like to introduce dissonant or noise elements in my tracks so, who knows if the music will help or not? Maybe it could be used to induce nightmares, instead? I started working with something representing awakeness, then I also came up with a dreamy melody that reminded to me Ravel's "Pavane pour une infante défunte", and finally, several dreamy sections were growing organically, like the remnants of REM dreams mentioned in the title."
Indonesian waterfall reimagined by fectoper.
Part of the Music for Sleep project - for more information and to hear more sounds from the collection, visit https://citiesandmemory.com/music-for-sleep/
IMAGE: Andreas Tille, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons