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Replay of Sara Broyhill Anderson
FREEBIE ALERT!! After you listen to this amazing episode be sure to grab my gift to you, 5 Days of Declarations to Speak Over Our Children.REPLAY ALERT!!! It's back to school season and what better time that to get focused and get the tools to better support our children. You are going to LOVE this Blast from the Past episode with Sara Broyhill Anderson! Sara is a wife, mother of five, and Christian apologist with her Juris Doctorate and Masters of Divinity in Apologetics. Sara started Fruits of Faith Ministries in 2016 which now reaches thousands of people each week on social media. She is the author of The Best Is Yet to Come: Facing the Fears of Today With God's Hope for Tomorrow. Sara is a speaker with Women of the Well Communicators as well as an official member of the MOPS speakers network. Sara helps women stand up to the pressures of modern culture with biblical truths for them and their families by applying apologetics from God's Word to challenge secular lies.In this Episode we talk about about:The transition from being a lawyer to being in ministryHow God used past experiences to prepare you for His future for youSharing her struggle with finding a community for herself and her familyThe importance of feeding our children’s mind well and in a God-honoring wayResources and Links:Websites | Sarabroyhillanderson.com and fruitsoffaithministries.comFind Sara Broyhill Anderson on Social | Facebook: @fruitsoffaithministries and @Sarabroyhillanderson (Author Page)Instagram: @fruitsoffaithministries Connect with Rachel at:https://rachelgscott.com/http:....//the5leaps.com/http 'Podcast' to 216-279-7174 or https://my.community.com/rachelscott