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Resilience Through Tough Times with Lorella Struzzi, ProMold Plastics
Coming back after losing 80-90% of your business sounds impossible, but ProMold Plastics proved it can be done! ProMold Plastics is a 55+ year old company specializing in custom injection molding and mold making. Lorella Struzzi, co-owner, tells Ari about the origins of ProMold Plastics, but they really dive in to learn from the hard years after 2010, when ProMold's largest customer suddenly and unexpectedly decided to end their long-term, healthy business relationship despite the massive investments that ProMold had recently made to grow with their customer. Sometimes the greatest challenges bring out the best in people…and the best ideas. This episode is filled with incredibly valuable lessons learned and the risks ProMold took to stabilize the business and get back on their feet! Lorella Struzzi, ProMold Plastics Website: http://www.promoldplastics.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/promold-plastics/ Lorella's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lo....rella-struzzi-7842a9 Ari Santiago, CEO, CompassMSP Company Website: https://compassmsp.com/ Company LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/compass-msp/ Podcast Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MadeinAmericaPodcast Podcast LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/compa....ny/made-in-america-p Podcast YouTube: https://youtube.com/c/MadeinAmericaPodcastwithAri Ari's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/asantiago104/ Podcast produced by Miceli Productions: https://miceliproductions.com/ Podcast executive production by Gael Communications: https://www.gaelcommunications.com/ Lorella and Ari discuss: