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Roland Sands (Roland Sands Design)
Roland Sands is a former racer, best known as custom motorcycle builder hailing from Long Beach, California. Roland turned his name and style of building performance customs into a brand, Roland Sands Design. We caught up with Roland only days after his biggest event of the year, which partnered with Red Bull for their Straight Rhythms event this year. We chatted about growing up in the West Coast custom scene, and how Roland chased his passions to evolve his brand into running independent race teams and organizing massive moto events. Episode Links:Personal Instagram: @RolandSandsProfessional Instagram: @RolandSandsDesignRSD Website: RolandSands.comMotoBeach Classic Website: MotoClassicEvents.com Triumph News: 2022 Moto2 Season ResultsFree MSF eCourse: TriumphRider.comEvents Schedule: TriumphOnTour.comFor The Ride theme song by Sam PaceFor The Ride podcast produced by Hisonni Johnson