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Rule #10: Happy Wife, Happy Life with Anna Rova
Welcome to the "10 Rules of Being Claimed" Series! Today's episode is all about Rule #10: Happy Wife, Happy Life. "If you are a woman and you are unhappy, everyone around you is unhappy as well. The energy in the relationship and in the household greatly depends on you. That is the power that you have as a woman..." In this episode I talk about:<br /> 💃Why the energy of the relationship and the household depends on you<br /> 💃Why you, as a woman, have a profound effect on men, children, community and the world at large<br /> 💃How your feeling of resentment, bitterness and frustration on an ongoing basis is affecting others<br /> 💃Why your life will flourish when you prioritize yourself first and start being in your body<br /> 💃Why your power comes from being fulfilled and embodied and not independent and strong<br /> 💃Action step: how can you start putting yourself first and changing this dynamic in your life today? Links IGTV - INSTAGRAM VIDEO P.S. Sign up for the free, exclusive training from me on How to Start Attracting Committed Masculine Men By Releasing Control & Letting Him Lead to find out: The #1 reason successful women are still single and can’t attract a committed masculine man (hint: it’s not what you think) How to break through the patterns of attracting unavailable or feminine men and find your blind spot so you start attracting the men you want How to master the art of feminine/masculine polarity so you start feeling taken care of, claimed and finally be able to let go of control How to get out of the “get the guy” mindset and instead move into your full feminine self and have the guy get you Uncover The Lie of Female Success that’s keeping you stuck, exhausted and unfulfilled (in masculine energy all the time) so you can start living in freedom & joy And much more… Sign up at girlskill.com/webinar