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S05 E11 Season 5 Wrap Up
It’s the end of Season five! In this wrap-up episode Morgan and Sarah reflect on the variety of roles that were showcased this season, share some season highlights and key recommendations for action and give a with a sneak peak at what’s to come- first a break, then SEASON 6!Exciting plans are already in the works for Season 6, which will be focused on PRIMARY CARE CLINIC STORIES and (spoiler alert!) may include more in-person conversations and in-the-field reflections! Reach out to isu@familymed.ubc.caif you know of a clinic whose team story should be shared!Thanks to our Guests and to the ISU Team
No guests this episode but a huge thank you to all the wonderful people who connected with us this season. Thanks to the over 30 providers who helped us create season five - we are so grateful to everyone who agreed to talk with our team!Special thanks goes out our amazing ISU team who were behind the scenes making this season a reality! Thanks to Josephine Lam and Erza Mjekiqi who both jumped in to interviews, reviewing transcripts and coordinating and connecting with guests and special thanks to Tlell Elviss who did all that AND joined our script writing and production team!Resources
If you are interested in learning about resources and supports available to primary care teams, try out the new Team Effectiveness Tool , part of www.teambasedcarebc.ca
As we take a break over the next few months take a listen to some our favourite episodes of Season 5 or spend some time listening to our earlier seasons!