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S1:E5 Austin Atkins
In this episode of On/Off The Streets Podcast, we sit down with Austin Atkins, a passionate car enthusiast who has made a name for himself in the automotive world with his one and only stanced Cobra. Austin takes us on a captivating journey, starting from his humble beginnings in North Texas, where his love for cars first ignited.As a young gearhead, Austin immersed himself in the local car scene, eager to learn and get his hands dirty. However, life had an exciting adventure in store for Austin as he packed up his tools and moved to Oklahoma, where he would meet the love of his life, Hailey. It was in Oklahoma that Austin's passion for cars reached new heights. He set his sights on transforming a Mustang Cobra into the ultimate domestic stance car. With meticulous attention to detail and countless hours of hard work, Austin crafted a vehicle that turned heads wherever it went. His dedication to perfection paid off, leading him to enter car shows across the nation, showcasing his stunning build and soon became a prominent figure within the community. Beyond his undeniable talent for automotive craftsmanship, Austin also shares a deep love for music and other similar interests. Throughout the episode, we delve into the connection between his passion for cars and his musical inspirations, exploring the ways in which these two worlds intersect and inspire his creativity.As we explore Austin's journey, we also dive into his future plans for his build. What new modifications and upgrades does he have in mind? How does he see the ever-evolving car community and its impact on enthusiasts? From the latest trends to the challenges faced by car enthusiasts today, Austin shares his insights and experiences, shedding light on the dynamics of the community.Join us as we uncover the triumphs, trials, and aspirations of Austin Atkins, an influential figure in the car scene. Get ready to rev your engines and tune in to this episode to discover how he's shaping the future of domestic stance in the automotive industry.