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S2 Ep12: How to Position the Meeting with Chet Lovegren
This episode of Hopp on Calls with Kevin Hopp is the last part of the conversation with Chet Lovegren aka The Sales Doctor. A common objection for people is to say they can’t take your call as they’re about to step into a meeting. There are ways to overcome this, as Kevin and Chet demonstrate today. They also discuss why you should try to get a meeting on a cold call, even if it’s a bad time for prospects to buy—and it’s not because you simply want to sell your product or service. QUOTESTo overcome the common objection that the prospect is about to step into a meeting, Kevin says, "When do people have meetings, Chet? On the hour and on the half-hour, right? Very common objection, when you catch somebody near the half hour or the hour, super common is, ‘Oh, I'm about to step into a meeting. I can't talk right now.’ Right? So what did I do there? Did you catch it? It was subtle. I said, ‘Hey, I have a meeting in four minutes, so let's get this done before then.’"Push for a meeting on a cold call because, as Kevin says, "Let's establish some form of back-and-forth so we're not ice-cold anymore. So it's always valuable to set this meeting and to build your network of people who are prospective buyers for your stuff, even if you're not gonna buy right now." Find out more about Chet and connect with him in the links below:LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chetlovegren/ You can connect with Kevin Hopp in the link below:LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/khopp/ Hopp on Calls is powered by Kixie.Hone the craft of outbound sales at Cold Calling 101. Click [here] to listen in to Part 1 of my conversation with Chet!