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S2 Ep8: Overcome the 6-Month Follow-Up Trap with Jack Knight
This episode of Hopp on Calls with Kevin Hopp is the last part of the conversation with Jack Knight, SDR Manager and Founder of CallBlitz. Today, Kevin speaks to a prospect that perfectly illustrates why staying on hold for more than 3 minutes is a bad idea. Kevin and Jack also discuss why you need to push back on the classic objection of "follow up with me in 6 months" and how to do it skillfully. QUOTESAsk for personal likes when you get a referral - Jack: "If someone gives you a referral, ask the person giving the referral, ‘Hey, is there anything about Susie that would get her attention? Like what is Susie into? Does she like dogs?’"When asked to call back in 6 months, ask why Kevin: "I will always ask, ‘What's going to change between now and then? Like why 6 months?’ And I didn't just say it flat out. What did I say? Generally, when people tell me to follow up in 6 months, it's because X, Y, Z might happen in between." Find out more about Jack and connect with him in the links below:LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dontdialalone/Website: https://callblitz.com/ You can connect with Kevin Hopp in the link below:LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/khopp/ Hopp on Calls is powered by Kixie.Hone the craft of outbound sales at Cold Calling 101.