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HORROR CONS ARE ON THE RISE! OVER HERE AT YUP, THAT'S SCARY; WE HAVE PREDICTED THAT MORE HORROR CONVENTIONS WILL BE POPPING UP, DELIVERING GREAT PROGRAMMING, AND ENTERTAINMENT AND BECOMING A WHIRLWIND OF SURPRISES GIVING THEIR GUEST WHAT THEY DESIRE OR NEED! TONIGHT'S SHOW, WE HAVE TWO EVENT PRODUCERS FROM TIDEWATER CONVENTIONS INC. BILLY MITTLESTADT AND BRIAN LANCASTER, THAT WILL GIVE US AN INSIDE SCOOP ON HORROR CONS! Get exclusive content, merch, and messages from the cast! Be invited to some exclusive members only events and notable horror events. Sign up and become a Patreon today! https://www.patreon.com/yupthatsscary Did you like what you just observed? You want more? Well, get more; by becoming a Patreon member of Yup, That’s Scary, the most wanted Halloween, Horror, Haunt House Podcast in town! Support the showStarring:<br/>Willie May Host<br/>Scaredy Cat Cat (Co-Host)<br/>Jarrord (Co-Host)<br/>Website: https://www.yupthatsscary.com/<br/>Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/yupthatsscary<br/>Donate to the show: CashApp: $YupThatsScary PayPal: PayPal/YupThatsScary<br/>PayPal.Me/yupthatsscary