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S3E6 - Suns' Twins for the wins!
We are roughly ten percent through the 2022-23 NBA season, and the Suns are immediately emerging as a powerhouse this year. As of this week's Suns Mode, the Suns are 6-1. Suns Mode is here to cover the Suns every week, every game. This week, I recap the best and worst from three great wins over the past several days versus the New Orleans Pelicans, Houston Rockets and Minnesota Timberwolves. Highlight stats for the early part of the Suns seasonDeandre Ayton injuryHow Mikal Bridges and Cam Johnson began a trend Bismack Biyombo / Jock Landale and the bench squadClose fourth quartersThe TWINSThe "Test"Disaster-classesthe god damn TWINSI do have some unfortunate news for the Suns community for this week, and that is that former Suns legend Steve Nash will no longer be the head coach with the Brooklyn Nets.My reactionTwo pointsThe Suns do play four more games before I speak with the Suns Mode community again next Thursday. Friday / Saturday home back-to-back vs Trail Blazers and how to seek revengeMonday @ Philadelphia 76ers. Will Mikal have a good homecoming? Will Devin the Destroyer be back for blood?Wednesday @ Minnesota Timberwolves. Is Deandre ready for the test? Are KAT / Gobert looking for their get back?<br/>And that is what I have for the week. Thank you very much for listening to yet another week of Suns Mode, and be sure to return again as soon as next Thursday at Midnight, Arizona time. LETS GET SOME WINS<br/><br/>Remember to spread love and #ValleyExcellence<br/><br/>FREE BRITTNEY GRINER<br/>WE ARE BG<br/><br/>LETS GO SUNS LETS GO SUNS LETS GO SUNS LETS GO SUNS<br/>MIIIIIIIIIGHTY MERCURY<br/><br/><br/>@ValleySunna<br/><br/><br/>