S4E53 Martyn Whittock: The Vikings from Leif Eriksson to the Q-Shamon (J6)
Historian and prolific author Martyn Whittock re-joins Ken to discuss his soon-to-be-released (November 7, 2023) book, American Vikings - How the Norse Sailed into the Lands and Imaginations of America from his study in the U.K. Martyn has appeared several times on the podcast - with conversations about the use and misuse of eschatology throughout history, the passing of Queen Elizabeth, the monarchy in Great Britain, the coronation of King Charles and the implications of a State Church (in contrast to separation of church and state in the USA). Martyn has written extensively about medieval history in Europe, but his interest was peaked as the events unfolded at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. A most memorable character, Jake Chansley, AKA the Q-Shaman captured on camera at the podium of the inner sanctum, barechested, revealing tattoos and other symbols of Viking mythology. Martyn takes us back a thousand years (1021 C.E.) for an exploration of the Nordic saga and myth, the landing of the Vikings on this continent hundreds of years before Christopher Columbus, separating fact and fiction of that early occupation of what became known as America and finally the ways in which the Viking "deep story" penetrates the imagination of Americans. Marvel has tapped into the Viking world (the God of Thunder, Thor) in comic books and superhero cinema. That story has been hijacked and utilized as inspiration for the Alt-Right, white supremacy, and manifest destiny, culminating in the insurrection of January 2021, symbolized by the memorable character, the Q-Shaman, sentenced to nearly four years in prison. SHOW NOTESPre-Purchase the BookSupport the show