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S5E42: Formula For a 40-Unit Real Estate Portfolio with Cam Cathcart
Real estate is a great way to make money. But if your only goal is financial growth, you'll have a miserable time working in real estate. There should be a deeper purpose to having money and growing your career. In this episode, I hosteded Cam Cathcart, a 31-year-old broker who built a 40-unit real estate portfolio worth $8.1 million in just two years. He gives important lessons on building a purposeful career, betting on yourself, achieving financial freedom, and tracking your net worth. Tune in to find out how you too can start a career built around a purpose. Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:Find your purpose. Money gives freedom to do what needs to be done.Bet on yourself. Track your net worth. Good life abounds when you can spend it with people who matter to you most. <br/>Resources Mentioned:Pep Talk: Daily Motivation AppCam’s Business Insider ArticleConnect with Wyatt Graves: LinkedIn | WebsiteThe Mentee Podcast: Website | Apple | SpotifyConnect with Cam: Instagram | Email