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S5E9 In The Kingdom of the Blind (feat. Ryan)
Everything goes really really well for our heroes Londo and Byron. Really just the developments for them are all just completely positive, nothing much to report, its like an episode where people just competently do their jobs. Our friend Ryan from the Yum Yum Podcast joins us.We're on twitter! https://twitter.com/lastbestb5We're on instagram! https://www.instagram.com/lastbestb5/ We're on email: LastBestB5 (at) Gmail! Tell your friends: there's a New (old) Babylon 5 podcast in town!! They'll love you forever for it!Babylon 5 veteran? Space Above and Beyond fan? Listen to the Yum Yum Podcast.The Last Best Babylon 5 Podcast is by Ben Vigeant, Sean Rose, and Stephen Winchell. <br />Show art and theme by Stephen Winchell<br />Show edited by Benjamin VigeantGood reviews are read on the show, bad reviews are read on the toilet.