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Selling Ubimax to Teamviewer - Hendrik Witt on taking advantage of the right moment
In this episode of The Big Exit Show we talk to Hendrik Witt of Ubimmax. Witt sold his augmented reality solution to Teamviewer in 2020. A story with many valuable lessens: How to bootstrap your startup, by doing consulting on the side Successfully working together with innovation department of big corporations The importance of momentum and why you need to close a deal as soon as possible In The Big Exit Show our hosts Johan van Mil and Remy Gieling talk to tech entrepreneurs about scaling their companies and the lessons and pitfalls of a successful exit.The Big Exit Show is an initiative by Peak. Peak invests in early-stage SaaS, marketplace, and platform companies ran by kick-ass teams. Want to know more about Peak and the ventures we back? Check out our website or send us a message! Feedback for our podcast or want to be featured on our show? Please reach out at podcast@peak.capital.