September 24: Psalms 115–118

1 Views· 09/24/23
ESV: The Story of Redemption
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Psalms 115–118 Psalms 115–118 (Listen) To Your Name Give Glory 115   Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to your name give glory,<br />    for the sake of your steadfast love and your faithfulness!<br /> 2   Why should the nations say,<br />    “Where is their God?”<br />3   Our God is in the heavens;<br />    he does all that he pleases.<br /> 4   Their idols are silver and gold,<br />    the work of human hands.<br />5   They have mouths, but do not speak;<br />    eyes, but do not see.<br />6   They have ears, but do not hear;<br />    noses, but do not smell.<br />7   They have hands, but do not feel;<br />    feet, but do not walk;<br />    and they do not make a sound in their throat.<br />8   Those who make them become like them;<br />    so do all who trust in them.<br /> 9   O Israel,1 trust in the LORD!<br />    He is their

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