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Sharing stories to help with military transition
Mentioned in this episode: Beyond the Battlefield (affiliate link)Email Theresa for signed copies: theresa@kestrelwellness.comWounded Warrior ProjectPACTAct Episode 206Women of the Military Mentorship ProgramGirl's Guide to Military Service available where books are sold. Signed copies of A Girl's Guide to Military ServiceGirl's Guide to the Military SeriesSee full show notes: https://www.airmantomom.com/20....22/11/sharing-storie your Women of the Military Podcast gear here.If you are a woman who has served in the military or is currently serving in the military and would like to share your story please sign up to be on my waitlist here. Women who have served or are currently serving in the military are welcome to bypass the waitlist by supporting the podcast via Patreon at the $3/month supporter level. Learn more about supporting the work of Women of the Military podcast here.