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Sheila's Take on Forgiveness
My sons bike go stolen last week and I've been processing a lot of feelings as well as figuring out how to help him through his own feelings. I hate feelings. Feelings are something I've tried avoiding most of my life - but avoiding feelings has left me in many many therapy sessions. So how can I help my kids confront their feelings - especially those of anger and loss? This may be a dumb old bike being stolen, but there is a lesson to learn here. <br/><br/>Links mentioned in this episode: <br/>Mayo Clinic on the health of forgiveness<br/>Psychology Today on Forgiveness<br/>Greatschools.org on ForgivenessYou can find more information including the show notes at my website www.sheilakchester.com <br/><br/>Please follow me on social media. Facebook or Instagram<br/><br/>Thank you listeners! If you liked this podcast, please rate and review wherever you listen to your podcast. If you loved this podcast, donate to my patreon account. <br/><br/> <br/>