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From eggs to tacos to Ninja Turtles, some of the best things in life come in shells. So cozy on up inside the nearest conch as we regale you with tales of shells from all across the scientific spectrum!SciShow Tangents is on YouTube! Go to www.youtube.com/scishowtangents to check out this episode with the added bonus of seeing our faces! Head to www.patreon.com/SciShowTangents to find out how you can help support SciShow Tangents, and see all the cool perks you’ll get in return, like bonus episodes and a monthly newsletter!And go to https://store.dftba.com/collec....tions/scishow-tangen to buy your very own, genuine SciShow Tangents sticker!Follow us on Twitter @SciShowTangents, where we’ll tweet out topics for upcoming episodes and you can ask the science couch questions! While you're at it, check out the Tangents crew on Twitter: Ceri: @ceriley Sam: @im_sam_schultz Hank: @hankgreen[Trivia Question]Golden ratio nautilus shellshttps://link.springer.com/arti....cle/10.1007/s00004-0 Off]Batteries made from crab shells https://www.cell.com/matter/fu....lltext/S2590-2385(22 and hermit crab shellshttps://oceanographicmagazine.....com/news/hermit-crab the Science Couch]Mollusk shell development & secretion into spiral shapeshttps://www.scientificamerican.....com/article/how-sea One More Thing]Wood-boring bivalve that creates fecal chimneyshttps://link.springer.com/arti....cle/10.1007/s12526-0