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Sherri Papini
I made a buy-me-a-coffee thing! Click the link to support the podcast if you would like to: https://ko-fi.com/creepsandcrimestorytimeThis week, Charlie talks us through the bizarre kidnapping of Sherri Papini. "Supermom" Sherri is abducted whilst jogging, leaving no evidence of the crime behind except her phone and a few strands of blonde hair. A huge manhunt is underway almost immediately, and Sherri's family are waiting desperately for answers, until a mystery donor and hostage negotiator step in. Interview Footage: Sherri Papini Interrogation by Shasta Co. Sheriff's detectives | Raw video - YouTubeSources for this episode are: Husband of kidnapped California mom Sherri Papini describes moment she was released | Daily Mail OnlineSherri Papini case: Surveillance video shows moment of NorCal mother's reappearance - ABC7 San Francisco (abc7news.com)Negotiator in Sherri Papini case scrutinized (redding.com)Sherri Papini Case: Man Who Once Dated Mom Accused of Staging Kidnapping Says She's a 'Compulsive Liar' | Inside EditionSherri Papini's Dad Dismisses 2003 Racist Online Post Written Under Her Name (people.com)Sherri Papini Can Post $120,000 Bond (lawandcrime.com)