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Show 834.0: Geocaching GeoTour KickOff Event
On our geocaching podcast today, we take you with us to attend the Discover Mission Viejo GeoTour kick-off event, talk to some of the GeoTour organizers, find some of the GeoTour caches and share lots of other geocaching goodness along the way. Listen To The Show (43:37) Show Discussion: Please chat about the show by commenting on this post below. Show Images: Go to the Flickr set<br /> <br /> Links mentioned in the show<br /> Find a Maker Magic event<br /> Maker Magic: FlagMan's Maker Magic Event Discover Mission Viejo GeoTour Kick-Off Event<br /> Discover Mission Viejo GeoTour (GT4D8)<br /> Mission Viejo Geotour Mark SUPPORT PodCacher: Join the PodCacher Club Geocaching LPC Golf episode - use podcacher.com/show832 GCWWFM.com - The Official WWFM Website<br /> WWFM XX Logo Please Support Our Friends at FTF Geocacher Magazine Zwerven door het Zuiderpark - Intercache - Netherlands ENTER the Latest Giveaway for a chance to WIN something from The PodCacher Prize Vault Easily send us audio via Speakpipe Listen to PodCacher EASILY on one of the PodCacher apps - for iOS and Android<br /> Find MANY ways to listen to PodCacher Follow the PodCacher Geocaching Blog Never Miss Out: Join the PodCacher Insider Mailing List PodCacher Hotline number for your speed dial! (760) 300-3633<br /> Call us with your rants, raves and as a roving reporter The post Show 834.0: Geocaching GeoTour KickOff Event appeared first on PodCacher: Geocaching Goodness.