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Show 843.0: WorldWide Geocaching Flash Mobs
On our geocaching podcast today, we share stories and reports from WWFM events all around the world. You’ll enjoy hearing about the funny and unique themes that maybe you can use at your next geocaching event, just to change things up a bit. We also chat about ideas for being more comfortable at geocaching events, feedback on cruise caching and creative adventure labs, dad jokes and much more. Listen To The Show (35:46) Show Discussion: Please chat about the show by commenting on this post below. Show Images: Go to the Flickr set<br /> <br /> Links mentioned in the show<br /> WWFM XX Group Photos<br /> Official GC WWFM Website<br /> WWFM XX Bookmark List Breaking the ice: A guide to getting comfortable at Events<br /> How to Work a Crowd by Alexis Bauer SUPPORT PodCacher: Join the PodCacher Club Check out the CACHE CRATE from Cache-Advance ENTER the Latest Giveaway for a chance to WIN something from The PodCacher Prize Vault Easily send us audio via Speakpipe Listen to PodCacher EASILY on one of the PodCacher apps - for iOS and Android<br /> Find MANY ways to listen to PodCacher Follow the PodCacher Geocaching Blog Never Miss Out: Join the PodCacher Insider Mailing List PodCacher Hotline number for your speed dial! (760) 300-3633<br /> Call us with your rants, raves and as a roving reporter The post Show 843.0: WorldWide Geocaching Flash Mobs appeared first on PodCacher: Geocaching Goodness.