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Skating through Mental Blocks ft. Pro Scout Greg Batters
Former professional hockey player and current scout for the Spokane Chiefs, Greg Batters, shares his insights and expertise on the crucial need for players to focus on the mental side of the game. Batters emphasizes the importance of having confidence in oneself, using criticism as motivation, and training not just the physical and practical skills, but also the mental game. His message is clear: to improve their game and achieve their goals, players must focus on the things they can control and have faith in themselves.<br/><br/>Private Goalie Mindset Coaching: https://www.petefry.net/results-coaching<br/>Daily Insight and Tips: https://www.instagram.com/goalie_mindset/ and https://www.tiktok.com/@petefrymindsetListen to other podcasts: https://www.petefry.net/podcastStay up to date with everything at https://www.petefry.net/