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Smart Home Ecosystems with Dwellwell
View the episode on YouTube! <br/><br/>In this episode, we'll be discussing the benefits and importance of an all-encompassing ecosystem inside the smart home, with a focus on Dwellwell Analytics, a comprehensive monitoring and early warning platform for residential property owners. <br/><br/>Follow Dwellwell!<br/>Website<br/>LinkedIn<br/>Twitter<br/>Instagram<br/>Facebook<br/><br/>Parks Associates research in this episode:<br/><br/>Complimentary White Paper | Solving Multifamily Maintenance Demands with Smart Apartments <br/>Complimentary White Paper | Smart Solutions - Boosting Revenue in Multifamily Properties<br/><br/>Follow us on Social:<br/>Twitter<br/>LinkedIn<br/>Instagram<br/>Facebook<br/>YouTubeThe Connected Consumer Podcast gives listeners an inside look at the latest industry trends focused on the connected consumer, home automation and security, energy management, connected health and independent living, and digital content and video services.