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Squeaky Cheese with Lizzie Molyneux-Logelin
Hey, LFE is gettin the hang of this remote recording thing! Emmy award winner, writer & producer of Bob's Burgers and The Great North, writer on The People We Hate at the Wedding, and total virtuosa, Lizzie Molyneux-Logelin, connects with the boys from her home in LA on this fresh new episode. Lizzie kicked back with some drinks while on strike as a writer, expounding on her thoughts about the current state of matters, and informing listeners about what it's like to be a writer in modern Hollywood. That alone is worthy of your consideration, but it wouldn't be LFE without "six shots and six topics of conversation", such as: πΊ Who is your all-time favorite TV mom or dad?π What are the contents of YOUR favorite burger? π What food stuffs would you bring from Cali to the midwest, or vice versa?π What is a thing that humans eat that it is super weird a human once thought to try consuming? π What is your favorite gift you've ever given someone?..and when yer done listening, go show your support for the WGA!! βπ½βπΌThis ep of LFE is proudly presented by Plift. High on taste. Low on calories. Plift is a delicious hemp-infused beverage for any occasion — social, solo, and anywhere in between.Beverages of ChoiceThe hosts drank:Jeppson's Anti-Hero MalörtOpland Aquavit Single Cask Hungarian Tokaji Aged FIND USFacebook | Instagram