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Stargirl Podcast Season 3 – Episode 11 – Frenemies – Chapter Eleven: The Haunting
As your hosts Angie and Lizzie begin the final countdown of episodes left in the series, they have several concerns. The most pressing is… why are we being forced to care about Jordan Mahkent again? We just hope we get more scenes with the kids, especially Jakeem, the comedic MVP of this episode. LOGLINE: STARGIRL follows high school sophomore Courtney Whitmore who inspires an unlikely group of young heroes to stop the villains of the past. This new CW series reimagines Stargirl and the very first superhero team, the Justice Society of America, in a fun, exciting and unpredictable series, produced by Warner Bros. Television, Mad Ghost Productions and Berlanti Productions. Find Stargirl Podcast on: Social Media: Facebook – @StargirlPodcast – Instagram Subscribe: Apple Podcasts – Stitcher Radio – YouTube – DC TV Podcasts – Google Podcasts – iHeartRadio – Spotify – Amazon Music (Coming Soon) – Podchaser – TuneIn (Coming Soon) – Podcast Index Contact: StargirlPodcast@gmail.com The post Stargirl Podcast Season 3 – Episode 11 – Frenemies – Chapter Eleven: The Haunting appeared first on DC TV Podcasts.