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Sting Of Steele
Efrem Zimbalist, Jr. and daughter Stephanie make droll antagonists as con man extraordinaire Daniel Chalmers and his pursuer Laura Holt, who is astonished to find him working a stylish sting with Steele, his one-time protégé--all the while making an equally polished play for her mother.<br/><br/>Discussion of the Remington Steele episode 'Sting Of Steele'. Hosted by Eric Alton-Glenn Hilliard and Sara McNeil.<br/><br/>Send your comments to SteeleWatching@Yahoo.com<br/><br/>WebsitesOfficial Steele Watching PodCast websiteSteele Watching PodCast on TwitterSteele Watching PodCast on FacebookSteele Watching PodCast on InstagramSteele Watchers Group on FacebookPurchase movies/television shows/books mentioned in this episode from Amazon.Thirty Seconds over Tokyo (Amazon Canada / Amazon USA)The Sting (Amazon Canada / Amazon USA)The Corn Is Green (Amazon Canada / Amazon USA)Support the showPlease consider helping support the show. Make a monthly donation (starting as low as $3/month) Make a one-time donation of any amount via PayPal Purchase Steele Watching Swag