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Summer Safety Reprise
Hello everyone, and welcome to this episode of Val Talks Pets.<br/><br/>Well, the weather has finally changed and it's time to talk about summer safety and summer activities with our pets. <br/>There are definitely some summer do's and don'ts for pets, and some equipment that you might want to have on hand for activities on hot days. <br/><br/>With that in mind, I thought it would be a good idea to reprise my Summer Safety episode, and add an extended intro to it.<br/><br/>So find a place in the shade, snuggle up with your fur baby and listen in, Because Knowing Is Caring!<br/><br/><br/>Please remember to follow or subscribe to ensure that you never miss an episode.<br/><br/>To really help the show, please don't forget to Rate and Review each episode that you find helpful/educational.<br/><br/>Email me at: val@valtalkspets.com with topics you think would be of interest or with any questions you may have.<br/>Also, visit and be a part of my website at valtalkspets.com and help it grow!<br/><br/>Thanks for listening!