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Swinging the Right Way
Join us for today’s recording of the podcast on: Swinging the Right Way. Tune in to Listen in!I want to take a moment and remind you that you too can become a Lovegodesss in your life. You don’t need to live your life as a gray duckling anymore, you don’t need to hide your greatness anymore. You don’t need to settle for average anymore. You deserve being the best version of yourself, powerful, beautiful, sexy, wealthy and magnetic.I developed a special program for you called Lovegodesss Academy. It’s a 12 month curated journey to become a Lovegodesss where I share with you my unique Lovegodesss method to step into your feminine power, turn into Magnetic Lovegodesss and manifest your irresistible lifestyle.Lovegodesss method is a set of personal development tools to practice daily which includes curated step by step morning “shadow light work” that makes you energetically magnetic to receiving miracles in your life, inspired action work” aka “boss by day” and “playgirl art” aka “femme by night” in the evening.You can start taking action towards your irresistible transformation now. Love goddess method works. It has transformed my life.Comment Academy to learn how you can become a Lovegodesss who manifests her desired lifestyle with joy.Podcast Recordings Mon- Fri 8 pm7-17-23 Monday - Exploring Sexual Lifestyles7-18-23 Tuesday - Poly Lifestyle as a Choice7-19-23 Wednesday - Swinging the Right Way7-20-23 Thursday - BDSM is Not Swinging7-21-23 Friday - Do Not Victimize your Alternative SexualityYou can also catch up on our Lovegodesss Podcast with Katya Melvin available on Apple, Google and Spotify. https://rss.com/podcasts/lovegodesss/