Synchronicities with Numbers

0 Views· 11/12/22
Raising Your Spirits
Raising Your Spirits
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In Drama

In this podcast Tony Gyenis covers the synchronicities of numbers. When was the last time you looked at a clock as saw 11:11am or 3:33pm. If you would have waited a few seconds more you would have missed it. Tony shares spirits message that they communicate to us in numbers if they want to get our attention. This podcast is jam-packed with insights on how numbers have a higher intelligence than we give it credit.<br/><br/>If you would like to watch the beautiful video version of the meditation only here it is: Ho'oponopono Jupiter & Angel Tuning Forks - YouTube<br/><br/>Please do not operate heavy machinery, drive, ride, or do activity while the podcast is on as it will alter your state in a more meditative state of receiving.  This is not a background soundtrack while you are doing housework, reading, or any other activity.  You need to place yourself in receiving mode and take it in so you can let something out. Enjoy!<br/><br/>Subscribe to our YouTube Channel at for Tony the Tuneman Tuning Fork meditations and others to help clear your energies.<br/><br/>Tony Gyenis conducts a free weekly on-line Tuning Fork meditation class called Tune In with Tony on is private Facebook group. Check it out if and join his class if you are looking for on-going insight to help you through these difficult times.<br/><br/>Tony's eCard:

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