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Take a Criminal 19 Crimes Journey on Snoop Dogg Cali Rose
Take a criminal 19 Crimes journey on Snoop Dogg Cali Rose journey with Raquel…19 Crimes wine & Snoop Dogg combined their vision to create the Snoop Dogg Cali Rosé 2020 vintage, crafted in Sonoma California USA.It all traces back to the 19Crimes that led to the transportation of convicts to Australia. Imagine offences as peculiar as stealing fish from a pond or adopting an Egyptian identity. These unique acts of defiance form the essence of the 19 Crimes brand, exploring the legacy of these adventurous convicts and their significant role in shaping Australia's history.· 19 Crimes: https://19crimes.com· Snoop Dogg: https://snoopdogg.com· Beverage Dynamics: https://beveragedynamics.com· Drinks Digest: https://drinksdigest.com· Wine Searcher: www.wine-searcher.com· United Distributors: www.uniteddistributors.ca/#· Sigel’s: https://sigels.com ©2023 Wrong Door Creative