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Teaching the Art of Social Media with Bob Cargill
This week on the podcast, our special guest is Bob Cargill. Bob was the New England Direct Marketing Association’s Direct Marketer of the Year in 2009 and is an adjunct professor, copywriter, content creator, social media consultant, and public speaker who has worked for some 500 or so different clients over the years.His work has been recognized with over 40 awards from the New England Direct Marketing Association, including Gold for his blog on marketing, Gold for Best Tweets, Silver for Best Copywriting, and two Silvers for his video series about social media on LinkedIn. We obviously spoke a ton about the power of social media but Bob is also a great teacher with valuable anecdotes to tell. Listen now on Spotify, Apple, and Amazon to hear more! Podcast: www.bobcargill.podbean.com<br />LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/bobcargill<br />Twitter: www.twitter.com/thebobcargill<br />Facebook: www.facebook.com/thebobcargill<br />YouTube: www.youtube.com/bobcargill<br />Instagram: www.instagram.com/bobcargill<br />TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@thebobcargill<br />Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/bobcargill<br /><br />The Resume Rescue Website: https://theresumerescue.com/<br />Facebook/Instagram/Tiktok: @theresumerescue