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Ten Minute Take Down: The 3 Most Important Things To Do In Q4
In this ten minute takedown episode of Messy in the Middle, Ed Billings, and Jefi Moultrie share the three most important things you can do in the fourth quarter. They share their methods to the madness and how you can set up your “harvest” for the next year. QUOTES
“Being in touch with folks in the fourth quarter is the most important quarter to contact them in because it sets up the next year. You’re planning your harvest.” -Ed Billings [00:59]<br/>
“Quarter four is the time to clean up your client information database. It is the time to weed your garden and plant new seeds.” -Jefi Moultrie [06:44]<br/>
TIMESTAMPS[00:20] Intro[02:18] Parties[04:03] Call your clients [05:55] Database calls[09:18] Outro<br/>
RESOURCESThe Five Dysfunctions of a TeamThe Peak ExperienceThe U.S. Housing Market Has PeakedWhy Rising Mortgage Rates Push Buyers off the FenceThe One Thing Every Homeowner Needs To Know About a Recession<br/>
Messy in the Middle: messyinthemiddlepodcast.comEd Billings: edbillings.comJefi Moultrie: jefisrealestate.com