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Ten Minute Takedown: Pricing Homes
In this week’s episode of Messy in the Middle, Ed Billings, and Jefi Moultrie talk about pricing listings in Q4 and as the new year approaches. They discuss why realtors need to have a price reduction plan upfront with clients and why sellers need to hire agents that know how to price homes. They also talk about the value of working with an appraiser and how realtors can utilize price reductions as a talk track with their clients. QUOTES“When you talk to your sellers it is important that you have talked to an appraiser already. It separates you from other agents. It shows that you are professional and that you are seeking advice from the people who will appraise it after the sale.” - Ed Billings [04:54]<br/>
“Sellers need to make sure that they are hiring an agent that knows how to price right now is very important. By the time you do your price adjustments, you will have missed an entire thirty to forty-five days of market activity and your house could possibly go have gone down.” - Jefi Moultrie [03:04]<br/>
TIMESTAMPS[00:20] Intro[02:15] West Coast vs. East Coast market[04:13] Appraisers [07:02] Analyzing the micro market[10:19] Recap[11:35] Outro<br/>
RESOURCESThe Five Dysfunctions of a TeamThe Peak ExperienceThe U.S. Housing Market Has PeakedWhy Rising Mortgage Rates Push Buyers off the FenceThe One Thing Every Homeowner Needs To Know About a Recession<br/>
CONTACTMessy in the Middle: messyinthemiddlepodcast.comEd Billings: edbillings.comJefi Moultrie: jefisrealestate.com