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The Balance of the Boxes
As discussed in a beginning series [two of the first episodes of the podcast], Dr. Bean, a physio psychologist, discussed four boxes to see if our lives are balanced.<br/>The work box, play box, family box, and social box. Over all of it is the spiritual box, as it influences how we as humans interact with all around us--including ourselves.<br/> <br/>In this episode, I will cover my spiritual journey and recent travel. I find that I had to balance by spiritual box in order to balance my other boxes. <br/><br/>This week, there is a challenge. Listen to the episode, and participate. You may learn more about yourself via the exercise.<br/><br/>Link to the download is below:<br/>https://www.theworthyphysician.....com/freebie-downloa <br/><br/>Join our private Facebook group:<br/> https://urlgeni.us/facebook/physicianworthy<br/><br/>Connect with Dr. Sapna Shah-Haque:<br/>InstagramFacebookTwitterLinkedIn<br/><br/><br/>To listen to more episodes, head to Apple Podcasts!